Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center

The Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center currently houses 24 of 26 species of the freshwater genus Xiphophorus. In their natural environment, these fishes live in drainages in eastern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize and Honduras, with most of the described species living in Mexico. The taxa make up three groups: the Northern Swordtails, the Southern Swordtails, and the Platyfish.

The purpose of this site is to provide information to both the research community and the general public about the Xiphophorus Genetic Stock Center. As a national resource for research animals, we welcome opportunities to share fish with the research community for further research, development, and application.

Swimming swordtail

Keeping up with the Center

For recent publications, see our Google Scholar page, and for recent news, see our Twitter account.

Center Funding

► Primary funding: National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Infrastructure Programs, Division of Comparative Medicine, R24OD-031467 (Drs. Gabor, Lu, and Schartl).

► Identification and Characterization of an Endogenous EGFR Regulatory Locus in the Xiphophorus Genome, R15CA223964-02A1 (Dr. Yuan Lu).

► Screening for Melanoma Genes Using Natural Hybrid Incompatibilities, RP200657 (Dr. Manfred Schartl).

► Development of Genome-modified Xiphophorus, R21OD031910 (Dr. Manfred Schartl).